Signed in as:
Signed in as: is live! It's all about family, kids, teachers and parents, talking points and points of reference. Send a message to a missing friend or loved one and will pass it on, and be sure to try Pizza with the kids and to Subscribe for monthly recipes and family activities for kids and youth. is free and committed to be, but our list of members, member families, advertisers and sponsors is only set to grow. Start Your Recipe Collection! is a future Pledge and Contract project which seeks to be a resource for Teachers, Community Organization Leaders and Parents, and a part of young lives. it's mostly intended for Youth, but anybody can take the pledge and join! I Never Drive Impaired! Community programs and programming and Community Repesentatives and a presence may also be a part, along with representing's other impaired driving prevention and awareness umbrella projects. is a future project which seeks to share the harsh realities and realities of Impaired Driving with the world; all the things we don't want to see but everybody needs to, statistics and stories and grieving and loss and consequences in real and human terms. it's reality, a smashed up twisted piece of metal which used to be a vehicle, parked on the internet for the world to see.
There used to be a family driving in it, or someone's daughter or son. is a future project in development.
With it's umbrella projects working for, the parent Social Enterprise Organization will be free to it's other focuses, especially and most especially Vaping and Smoking Awareness and Prevention, which extends into both cannabis and tobacco use, 'Just Don't!' as well as other Health Related Cannabis Specific Programming already sitting on a foundation in the world, Pregnancy, Heart Health, Cannabis Strains and How THC and CBD Works, Finding the Right Cannabis for You and It's Uses, Cannabis Science and maybe even more Career Education, while at the same time bringing's primary focus, Impaired Driving Prevention and Awareness to the public and the lives of communities and individuals living in it.
As a Global Cannabis Brand is planning to use Cannabis Sales and Seeds to pay for it all to grow and to put an umbrella over it, and has Community Representative Employment and Self Employment Programs included in it's vision which seek to embrace inclusion employment projects; lower incomes, developmental disabilities, and maybe a few older folks on fixed incomes. In this way, is seeking a future which is also alot about about job creation and making a place for itself to live and breathe in a world of challenges and needs, in the lives of individuals living in it, with a bit of belonging and value to be a part of as well and community presence and social media involvement on a local scale, nationally, provincially and globally as well.
That's the plan, and the vision, is seeking leadership and commitments to a bright, healthy and positive future, send an email to express your collective or individual interest(s) in leading the way from here.